On Line Bible Study - For the Week July 2-8, 2012

Lesson 543
John 10:1-21
From "Light" to "Good Shepherd" - the gospel takes us a bit abruptly from one to the other, though you will notice a reference to Jesus healing the blind man if your read the text through to John 10:21.
We are going to focus on two texts - one that suggests the sheep need to be pushed at times. The other has to do with what may seem like some confusion - is Jesus the "Shepherd" or the "Gate" to the sheep pen?
John 10: 4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.
The word of interest is "brought" - a word that can also imply being "cast out". There is a sense of gentleness when we think about shepherds; but sometimes the sheep don't go where they need to go. They need to be pushed a bit. We find ourselves exposed to many voices and numerous calls for our attention. How do we discern the call that is truest, redemptive, completely relevant for us?
The Greek text has the hint of helpless sheep needing to be pushed in the right direction. Once we are "brought out", separated from all the competing voices in our lives, then Jesus can go ahead of us and we follow.
The other text we will consider is John 10: 7 Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.
Is Jesus both the "Good Shepherd" (see John 10:14) and the "Gate" to the sheep pen?
Some scholars point to modern examples of shepherds laying across the entrance to the sheep pen. They become both shepherd and gate for their flock. In verse 15 Jesus says I lay down my life for the sheep. While this is a reference to his giving his life for us, it also has this other, less dramatic implication. A "once for all" deed is different from something that has to be done every day. Becoming the 'gate' for the sheep pen suggests that Jesus is doing something on a daily basis - saving us, protecting us over and over again.
Perhaps you have had the experience of the Holy Spirit "pushing" you in a direction you might not be inclined to go. Maybe you are in such a time right now. Are we aware of all the ways in which salvation comes to us day by day ... moment by moment?
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